Wednesday, March 14, 2007

this image unlike the first, focuses on reflection. but reflection as an idea and an image. does anyone really read the stuff i write or am i again waiting my time reflecting here /%/


blane said...

I MEAN "WAISTING", cant spell/ the only comment i have ever recieved, and i wrote it?

WSmith3 said...

I think that what you have is beautiful and so neccessary. I do believe that you are sitting on more than you may know right now. I think you should investigate the idea of these installations becoming part of the fabric of not only the floor, but of the other planes that comprise the enclosure known as space. Way back, we were in the airport and spoke about using all of the space available in 3Dimensions. Can this furnuiture begin to lift off and allow us to relax in spaces that have never before been occupied in an airport setting?

Your Humble Servant,
William Schickhaus Smith

Frank Sinatra once said,

"Fly me to the moon and let me dance among the stars, Let me see what Spring is like on Jupiter and Mars"

blane said...

will, i remember the initial conversations in the airport, you are right they are too important to forget about. space; what a interesting word, pace, ace, spa, s-p@a%c*e